Strange Colour Bug

Hello people,

I've found a strange hidden colour bug. This three pictures are the SAME place at the same time with three colours. It was tested with colour ID 130.

Colour 1:

Colour 2:

Colour 3:

I hope it helps you.

Regards, ThomasTailor93

The colour is simply unsynchronized. It varies among the time and different players. I think it may be an SA bug and cannot be fixed, although ID 130 is already not a normal usable colour in single player.

Hmm, especially the orange Phoenix creeped me out, never saw any colour like that.. and yeah, stated above, it's impossible to fix it. And no, it has nothing to do with the color textures in the gamemode.

ID 142 is the same problem.
i think it cant be fixed

i have seen many color bugs, especially with gang zones

Confirmed, I always use that color to run from cops ^.^ ...All the cops are unorganized cant figure out who to chase

Only "hidden colours":
Tested colours: 128,130,131,142,144,146,147,151,155,156,236,252
Bugged colours: <= 144 (all above works correctly!)
Edit 1: 255 doesn't work!

Maybe it could be help scripters to not using them.

Regards, ThomasTailor93

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