Help Cars and Decorations Dont Load

I have been editing and creating command, adding new cars editing the car ids adding float points for jobs and when i finished i compiled and it had no errors nor warnings but when i started the server it didn't load the cars, i loged in and saw that nothing was loaded: houses , bizz , sbizz , decorations , pickups... Also there were the yellow door pickups on GTA Single Player and i can enter like single player has anyone had a simular experience?? please help?!

A lot of possible reasons come to my mind.
Where do you spawn? If in LosVenturas, I think you haven't changed your server.ctfg
DisableInteriorEnterExits(); under OnGameModeInit to disable yelow entering things

no the GM worked fine earlier but i edited it some car IDs and added some cars and commands and now nothing load no bizz load no cars houses but in the server log it says that it loaded don't know whats the problem

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