21.07.2012, 16:34
Hey , I founded a reaction test .. But when I type what fs say , nothing happens
Here is onplayertext :
If you need somenthing else just say
Here is onplayertext :
switch(xTestBusy) { case true: { if(!strcmp(xChars, text, false)) { new string[128], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] ; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName)); format(string, sizeof(string), "« \%s\" has won the reaction test. »", pName); SendClientMessageToAll(GREEN, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "« You have earned $%d + %d score points. »", xCash, xScore); SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, string); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, xCash); SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + xScore); xReactionTimer = SetTimer("xReactionTest", TIME, 1); xTestBusy = false; } } } return 1; }