Bug with TogglePlayerControllable and Clickable textdraws

I have a game I made with clickable textdraws anyways when the game starts it sets TogglePlayerControllable to 0 then shows the games textdraws with clickable textures. The problem I am having is when the game ends TogglePlayerControllable set to 1 will not re-activate the players movement. Has anyone else experienced this? Or can anyone confirm this as a bug? There is also another problem with clickable textdraws, the built in player object editor can be used but it does not detect the sprint key for rotating your camera around the player with the player object editor when clickable textdraws are open. Yes, clickable draws and the player object editor can be used together except for this one limitation. Anyways, if anyone has any idea or can help confirm these problems I'll make bug post on it.

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