Being blocked.


I'm living in a hotel at the moment. So, they can easily control my internet. Now, they said some guys from the ISP came today, they said they we're fixing the 'internet', cause it was slow all week. Now, they "fixed" it, but nothing was really fixed, instead, ******, and ******* aren't working.

"This webpage is not available
The server at *******.com can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing ****** Chrome from accessing the network."

"The server at www.******.com can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing ****** Chrome from accessing the network."

Every other site is working you see. If it wasn't then I wouldn't be here. I have tried using a proxy and it worked, ****** and *******. But on top of that, the internet is slow, so I can't download anything. I'm an irc guy, I join a lot of irc servers and channels, and I don't know how, but IRC is blocked! all of it. I just can't connect.

Now, Every SA-MP IP is blocked, it doesn't respond.. I connect to the server, it just goes like this:

[22:08:07] The server didn't respond. Retrying..

Over and over.... Please, if anyone can help me, please do. Thanks.

Use ****** DNS.

Some how I used it before, and now it's not working. Anyone got an better idea? I'm using an 'openvpn' too, but I get 500 ping in sa-mp....

If IRC and SAMP is blocked they most likely have their ports closed, nothing much you can do about that because your on a open hotspot. I recommend you get an VPN close to your location so you can minimize the ping (or close to the location of the samp server).

Using ******'s DNS will work and except if your host somehow blocked those IP's on a lower level, but I strongly doubt it. Either way an VPN is your best choice.

well, playbox, is there a way I can unblock these ports?

No, as you said your in a hotel, so I assume you use their open wifi hotspot. There is no way they're going to weaken their security by opening ports. (or whatever security measures they have in place). Buying a VPN would be your best option, it costs less than 5 dollars a month. With it you can access any website, nobody but the VPN host can put restrictions on you, most also use encryption so all the data your send is unusable. I would recommend used them myself.

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