02.07.2012, 10:24
Hi i need help.
I have about 140 houses pickups in my server, but load just 100 and no more, maybe it's limit? and too i need help with loading maybe i do something wrong.
I create house with this function:
one ex:
And how i sad it's are about 140 all is same, just coordinates is different. OK now stock CreateHouse:
Some server_log.txt:
And it's are until i reach " PICKUP ID: 100". But how i sad i have more. And i don't understand why it stop at 100...
My enum:
and one new:
When i come to server i see all labels, but how i sad i don't see all pickups.
I have about 140 houses pickups in my server, but load just 100 and no more, maybe it's limit? and too i need help with loading maybe i do something wrong.
I create house with this function:
CreateHouse(1272,1,-169.1920,2707.3416,62.5352,40000,12,0,444.646911,508.239044,1001.419494); // HOUSE - 1.
stock CreateHouse(model,type,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,PRICE,INTERIOR,VIRTUALWORLD,Float:nX,Float:nY,Float:nZ) { new Pick; Pick = CreatePickup(model,type,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z); printf(" PICKUP ID: %d", Pick ); houseDB[Pick][hPrice] = kaina; houseDB[Pick][hInterior] = Interior; houseDB[Pick][hVirtualWorld] = vw; houseDB[Pick][hX] = x; houseDB[Pick][hY] = y; houseDB[Pick][hZ] = z; houseDB[Pick][huX] = nX; houseDB[Pick][huY] = nY; houseDB[Pick][huZ] = nZ; COUNTHOUSES ++; new Query[ 1500 ],savingstring[ 30 ],file[ 1500 ]; format( Query,sizeof( Query ),"SELECT Owner FROM houses WHERE `house` = '%d'", Pick); mysql_query(Query); mysql_store_result(); if(mysql_num_rows()) if(mysql_fetch_row_format(savingstring)) { sscanf(savingstring,"p<|>s",houseDB[Pick][owner_name] ); houseDB[Pick][HouseLabel] = Create3DTextLabel("N",-1,houseDB[Pick][hX],houseDB[Pick][hY],houseDB[Pick][hZ],20, 0, 0); format(file,sizeof(file),"{FFA500}Namas: %d\nSavininkas: {FF0000}%s",COUNTHOUSES,houseDB[Pick][owner_name]); Update3DTextLabelText(houseDB[Pick][HouseLabel],-1,file); format(houseDB[ Pick ][ owner_name ],MAX_PLAYER_NAME,"%s",houseDB[ Pick ][ owner_name ] ); printf( "HOUSEID: %d, OWNER: %s, X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f", COUNTHOUSES, houseDB[Pick][owner_name], houseDB[Pick][hX],houseDB[Pick][hY],houseDB[Pick][hZ] ); } if(!mysql_num_rows()) { houseDB[Pick][HouseLabel] = Create3DTextLabel("N",-1,houseDB[Pick][hX],houseDB[Pick][hY],houseDB[Pick][hZ],20, 0, 0); format(file,sizeof(file),"{FFA500}Namas: %d\nKaina: {FF0000}%d {FFA500}LT",COUNTHOUSES,houseDB[Pick][nkaina]); Update3DTextLabelText(houseDB[Pick][HouseLabel],-1,file); strmid(houseDB[ Pick ][ owner_name ],"no",0,MAX_PLAYER_NAME,MAX_PLAYER_NAME); printf( "HOUSEID: %d, X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f", COUNTHOUSES, houseDB[Pick][hX],houseDB[Pick][hY],houseDB[Pick][hZ] ); } mysql_free_result(); }
[12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 39 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 1, X: -150.124694, Y: 2688.782714, Z: 62.429698 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 40 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 2, X: -169.192001, Y: 2707.341552, Z: 62.535198 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 41 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 3, X: -160.930694, Y: 2728.075439, Z: 62.191600 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 42 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 4, X: -155.958404, Y: 2758.251464, Z: 62.642799 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 43 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 5, X: -164.963806, Y: 2765.586181, Z: 62.675201 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 44 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 6, X: -201.785995, Y: 2772.675781, Z: 62.194599 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 45 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 7, X: -219.674697, Y: 2766.751953, Z: 62.687500 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 46 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 8, X: -232.987304, Y: 2807.549316, Z: 62.054698 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 47 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 9, X: -257.844085, Y: 2781.835693, Z: 62.687500 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 48 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 10, X: -269.116790, Y: 2769.492919, Z: 61.860099 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 49 [12:10:53] HOUSEID: 11, X: -286.757293, Y: 2758.029296, Z: 62.512100 [12:10:53] PICKUP ID: 50
My enum:
enum hitem { Float:hX, Float:hY, Float:hZ, Float:huX, Float:huY, Float:huZ, nkaina, ninterior, nvirtualworld, owner_name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Text3D:HouseLabel, } new houseDB[ MAX_PLAYERS ][ hitem ];