Try now:
pawn Код:
forward MStream(); //Forward all timers
public MStream()
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)//Goes through all players
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) //All online players
for(new S; S<MarkerID+1; S++) //All active Markers
if(MarkerUsed[S] == 1) //Checks if the Marker is enabled
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, MarkerInfo[S][Dist], MarkerInfo[S][x1], MarkerInfo[S][y1], MarkerInfo[S][z1]) && PlayerMarkers[i][S] == 0)//Is the player close enough to the Marker and the player does not already have it streamed
for(new K; K<100; K++)//Loops
if(SlotsUsed[i][K] == 0)//Through all the 100 avalible icon slots
SlotsUsed[i][K]++; //Sets the Icon slot to used
IconID[i][S] = K; //Sets the iconid
break; //Breaks out of the variable
SetPlayerMapIcon(i, IconID[i][S], MarkerInfo[S][x1], MarkerInfo[S][y1], MarkerInfo[S][z1], MarkerInfo[S][markertype], MarkerInfo[S][color]);//Create the Marker
PlayerMarkers[i][S] = 1; //Shows the object streamed for the player
continue; //Pulls out of the loop alliteration.
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, MarkerInfo[S][Dist], MarkerInfo[S][x1], MarkerInfo[S][y1], MarkerInfo[S][z1]) && PlayerMarkers[i][S] == 1) //If the player falls out of that distance the marker is destroyed
SlotsUsed[i][IconID[i][S]] = 0; //Sets the Icon slot to used
PlayerMarkers[i][S] = 0; //Sets the player marker to 0 so it's not using it
RemovePlayerMapIcon(i, IconID[i][S]); //Deletes the map Icon
continue;//Pulls out of the loop alliteration.
return 1;