Y_INI or SQLite?

Hi, I'm currently scripting a RP gamemode, but I'm wondering what saving system should I use? Y_INI or SQLite? Does any of it have advantages/disadvantages, which one would be the best in my case?

Well if you want to create a UCP for your server to than SQLite or MySql is fine but if just want simeple and faster than you Y_INI. Well both are faster but I suggest to you that which is easy for you.

I think(not 100%) that sqlite will be faster over all,
at least thats my thoughts,

as far as advantages/disadvantages besides speed
I think this would depend on your knowledge in one or the other.

For me its a little easier to write sqlite queries than the ini code,
I have used both in the past but just prefer the sqlite .

only thing i use ini files for now is settings that dont change often.

sorry if the info above was not useful, sometimes i just ramble out a bunch of words...

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