Two issues with a server (Disconnect and shutting down)

Hey guys,

I've just set up a GTA SA-MP server and have a couple of issues with its running I was hoping someone could help with.

Before I go on, its running on 0.3e, and installed to a dedicated Linux server running CentOS 5.6, I have root access.

Now, the first issue is - once I've started it (through PuTTY), if I close down the putty session (Click the x or shut down my computer), the server closes... which seems to defeat half the point of it being dedicated? Is there a fix for this at all? I've also noticed that nothing from the game prints to the console, it tells me it has loaded but I'd have expected things like chat would appear on there? (Maybe not? Like I said, I'm new to this :P)

The second issue is more of a client thing but also the server. If I tab off the game to check something on internet, talk on skype etc, it logs me out of the server. When I come back, it wont let me use the username I had anymore and I have to play with a different one.. Anyone got any idea why it does this? I've got a windowed mode mod installed if that makes any difference, purely because I need the ability to tab in and out of the game easily...


You need to run it in the background.

Do this command:

./samp03svr &

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