24 (GTA) Hours of Desert Race

24 (GTA) Hours of Desert Race
(Wed) 27th June 2012 - 8PM BST
Since it was the 24 hours of Le Mans last weekend, we thought we'd hold a 24 hour race of our own, or in the real world 24 minutes. This obviously means that this is an endurance event. There is no set amount of laps, you just keep driving until the time runs out.

The basic rules for classification are that you must have completed 70% of the total distance and you must cross the finish line once the 24 minutes have expired.

As this is an RPG server it won't be as straight forward as driving around for 24 minutes, you will have to stop for fuel along the way otherwise you won't make it to the finish. It is recommended that you fill up on every other lap to ensure that you make it round to the finish. We will be making fuel freely available to everyone during the event.

The other thing you will need to worry about is car damage, this can be repaired but you are only able to do so when you are filling up, 10% at a time.

All you need to do to fill up and repair your vehicle is pull into the various gas stations that are situated around the course.

You are able to enter any vehicle into the event, please state which vehicle you wish to use when you enter, obviously the best choices would be the Hotring, Infernus and Bullet. When you join the server for the event, state which vehicle you wish to use to an admin and they can make one available for you.

We don't have an automatic line up system so we expect competitors to be mature when lining up, anyone that isn't lining up properly will be disqualified from the event before it starts.

If anyone needs to leave the event or wishes to retire from the event then type "/leavedesert".

As always anyone can follow the event via our live timing service, which can be found at http://freeroam.project-apollo.co.uk/livetiming/.

This event will obviously be held on our server using the desert race script. If you wish to enter into the race please follow the instructions below. It would be nice if we could get a great turn out for the race, we managed to get six people for last years race, be great if we improve on that for this year.

Those of you that wish to enter can do so by heading over to here and replying to the topic.


This looks like a cool idea

The race has been won by Juppi once again, VRocker was forced to retire early on after a crash. There was a random Bullet left in the middle of the track which caused a crash between AdTec and Diavolo.


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