Textdraw GameText

Making game-text in textdraws to be able to show multiple at once. Please vote for which one you think looks the best.

I personally think the top one as the thicker border makes it more like the original game-text seen here:


Second one, but would be better if you make it show in a transparent box with a title...

Title for what? It's /announce for admins and other stuff, just like game-text. It doesn't need a title.

It would be awesome if we could have more text that we have (limited) now..So I would go with the first one.

128 characters is the max chat input, IIRC.

I think the first one looks better and cleaner.

This actually would be great to replace GameText with altogether,
I know your gonna use it for IIRC like just stated but
I see this being useful for not using any GameText, which is something I dont do anyways.

GameText is okay in certain situations, but it can be a pain as it can be over-written if you show more game-text.

Use textdraws instead...much better than GameText.

GameText is designed for small messages like if you're using a house system or a car purchasing system,or just to show a player name.

Textdraws ftw.

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