09.06.2012, 22:22
I have a problem with the skins, it doesnt seem to be spawning the player correctly with the Skin ID below.
Do I HAVE to create entries for all the different classes in the file before hand? Or can I just select them as I have below?
I don't have any entries at all using AddPlayerClass
Do I HAVE to create entries for all the different classes in the file before hand? Or can I just select them as I have below?
I don't have any entries at all using AddPlayerClass
stock LoadStats(playerid) { new pName[24],Query[80]; GetPlayerName(playerid,pName,24); format(Query,sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `Username` = '%s';", pName); mysql_query(Query); mysql_store_result(); mysql_fetch_row_format(Query, "|"); sscanf(Query, "e<p<|>s[24]s[23]ddddfffdddd>", PInfo[playerid]); mysql_free_result(); GivePlayerMoney(playerid,PInfo[playerid][Money]); SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, PInfo[playerid][SkinID], PInfo[playerid][PosX], PInfo[playerid][PosY], PInfo[playerid][PosZ], 10, 0,0,0,0,0,0); SpawnPlayer(playerid); SetPlayerScore(playerid, PInfo[playerid][Level]); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, PInfo[playerid][SkinID]); return 1; }