Sawnoff Minigames Problem

hey guys,

ive back since 1 year dint script and i try to make a minigame. But, i have make a mistake or maybe more cuz i cant find any problem on this script

pawn Код:
#include a_samp
#include a_colours

#define MAX_STRINGS 2500

new str [ MAX_STRINGS ] ;
new pname [ MAX_NAMES ] ;
new kname [ MAX_NAMES ] ;

new Sawnoff [ MAX_PLAYERS ] ;
new pNums = 0 ;
new MatchStarted = 0 ;
new Timer ;

forward SawnoffMatchTimer ( playerid ) ;

new Float: RandomSpawn [ ] [ 4 ] =

    { -1482.9537 , 442.8302 , 30.0820 , 235.5746 } ,
    { -1471.2516 , 338.4551 , 30.0859 , 319.5487 } ,
    { -1345.7300 , 337.5241 , 30.0859 , 45.0895 } ,
    { -1345.2181 , 444.5579 , 30.0859 , 134.7037 }
} ;
public OnFilterScriptInit ( )

    return 1 ;

public OnFilterScriptExit ( )

    return 1 ;

public OnPlayerConnect ( playerid )

    return 1 ;

public OnPlayerDisconnect ( playerid , reason )

    return 1 ;

public OnPlayerDeath ( playerid , killerid , reason )

    if ( Sawnoff [ playerid ] == 1 )

        pNums-- ;

    if ( pNums < 1 )
        GetPlayerName ( playerid , pname , sizeof ( pname ) ) ;
        GetPlayerName ( killerid , kname , sizeof ( kname ) ) ;
        format ( str , sizeof ( str ) , "%s have beaten %s in Sawnoff match!" , kname , pname ) ;
        SendClientMessageToAll ( COLOR_RED , str ) ;
        pNums = 0 ;
        Sawnoff [ playerid ] = 0 ;
    return 1 ;

public OnPlayerSpawn ( playerid )

    return 1 ;

public OnPlayerCommandText ( playerid , cmdtext [ ] )

    if ( strcmp ( cmdtext , "/sawnoff" , true ) == 0 )

        if ( MatchStarted == 1 && Sawnoff [ playerid ] == 0 )

            format ( str , sizeof ( str ) , "You have joined sawnoff match!" ) ;
            SendClientMessage ( playerid , COLOR_RED , str ) ;

            Sawnoff [ playerid ] = 1 ;
            pNums++ ;

        if ( Sawnoff [ playerid ] == 1 )

            format( str , sizeof ( str ) , "Sorry, you already submitted the sawnoff match" ) ;
            SendClientMessage ( playerid , COLOR_RED , str ) ;


        if ( pNums > 4 && Sawnoff [ playerid ] == 0 )

            format( str , sizeof ( str ) , "Sorry, the match had enough player to play." ) ;
            SendClientMessage ( playerid , COLOR_RED , str ) ;


        if ( MatchStarted == 0 )

            format ( str , sizeof ( str ) , "Sawnoff match will start in 15 seconds. type /sawnoff to join." ) ;
            SendClientMessageToAll ( COLOR_RED , str ) ;
            Sawnoff [ playerid ] = 1 ;
            MatchStarted = 1 ;
            pNums++ ;
            Timer = SetTimer ( "SawnoffMatchTimer" , 15000 , false ) ;
        return 1 ;

    return 0 ;

public SawnoffMatchTimer ( playerid )

    if ( pNums > 2 && Sawnoff [ playerid ] == 1 )
        new randomspawn = random ( sizeof ( RandomSpawn ) ) ;

        format ( str , sizeof ( str ) , "The Match Started successfully" ) ;
        SendClientMessage ( playerid , COLOR_RED , str ) ;
        SetPlayerPos ( playerid , RandomSpawn [ randomspawn ] [ 0 ] , RandomSpawn [ randomspawn ] [ 1 ] , RandomSpawn [ randomspawn ] [ 2 ] ) ;
        SetPlayerFacingAngle ( playerid , RandomSpawn [ randomspawn ] [ 3 ] ) ;
        SetPlayerHealth ( playerid , 100.0 ) ;
        SetPlayerArmour ( playerid , 100.0 ) ;
        ResetPlayerWeapons ( playerid ) ;
        GivePlayerWeapon ( playerid , 28 , 99999 ) ;
        GivePlayerWeapon ( playerid , 26 , 99999 ) ;
        Sawnoff [ playerid ] = 1 ;
        MatchStarted = 1 ;

    if ( pNums < 2 && Sawnoff [ playerid ] == 1 )

        format ( str , sizeof ( str ) , "Sorry not enough player" ) ;
        SendClientMessage ( playerid , COLOR_RED , str ) ;

        pNums = 0 ;
        MatchStarted = 0 ;
        Sawnoff [ playerid ] = 0 ;
    KillTimer ( Timer ) ;
    return 1 ;

public OnDialogResponse ( playerid , dialogid , response , listitem , inputtext [ ] )

    return 1 ;
idk what to do. hope u guys have the solution for this problem.

what for mistakes?

well the mistake like the match doesnt start and it teleport to the match spot if the id were 0

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