MineOS - An OS designed for Minecraft

Note: This software isn't made by me, or anyway related to myself. I just think it deserves more attention for those who are going to be looking into hosting Minecraft servers on a VPS or homehost. It's not known and could really save you hours of work on your Minecraft server.

MineOS - CRUX is a Minecraft server orientated operating system that is designed only for Minecraft.

Best thing is, IT'S FREE!!

"MineOS CRUX is a specialized distribution with a specific goal: To provide the ultimate server solution for Minecraft and to provide a robust and extendible platform for server mods and related value-added functionality."

Basically, it's an operating system that runs a Minecraft server that comes with the essential plugins you may have to install on a Linux/Windows hosted server. It comes with a website-UI (website hosting too, with PHP support), an installed firewall, FTP support, backup system and many more features below:

Preconfigured Software
  • ramdisks for optimum server/client performance
  • Hiawatha webserver with PHP for admin-added websites, such as forums and image galleries
  • iptables stateful firewall
  • Linux security standards implemented, such as SSH/SFTP and use of rsa-key protection
Web User Interface
  • An intuitive and informational website UI for managing multiple servers
  • One button updating
  • Simple configuration of system-level features, such as ram-use per server, java CLI arguments, etc.
  • Simple configuration of Minecraft configuration-level features, such as max-players, level-seeds, etc.
  • Out of the box support for server mods such as Bukkit and Canary; mapping (c10t)
  • Idiot-proof setup of automatic scheduling for backups, mapping, and archives.
Data Integrity
  • A robust and stable backup scheme through rdiff-backup
  • Provides frequent, low disk-cost incremental backups
  • Allows easy backups to remote storage
  • Stable, corruption-resistant reiserfs filesystem
System Footprint
  • Operating system and webserver takes as little as 25MB RAM combined, leaving the most possible for your servers
  • 650MB disk space used, including the servers (Minecraft/Hiawatha/MySQL/PHP), Java, a complete build environment and the entire CRUX core suite of apps
  • x86 AND x64 branches provided, for servers with high mem capacity
Highly Customizable and Familiar
  • Adheres to most Linux standards about file/configuration locations
  • Complete build environment permits building any software from source
  • 'Ports system' via CRUX Linux repositories permits easy installation of libraries and apps
  • Those who are willing can optimize the kernel for specific processors and trim out unwanted kernel inclusions
Documentation / Help
  • CRUX Linux plus MineOS CRUX documentation covers in detail how to do the most common of tasks
  • Step-by-step screenshots for many tutorials, including the entire setup process
  • Documentation comprehensively explains steps, their impact and changes, in addition to providing working examples verbatim.
You should give this operating system a go if you're really going to attempt to start your own Minecraft community, it will save you heckloads of time.

Visit MineOS's Website
Repository for the OS .ISO

(I recommend reading into the website first!)

haha this is awesome, niceeee differently got to check this out!

offtopic: hallo sir Jak

It's like they've got Bukkit, thrown every needed plugin into it... but programmed it into the actual operating system. I have much support for the one guy that works on this.

OT: Good Morning, Mr. Australian

I see, But i rather use a control panel (Like PiePanel for instance) to complete what i need done.

Looks neat.
Must have been some work there.

This things virtually near to none setup, it's just plug and play with a Minecraft server.

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