About core.inc..

I've got this problem, I don't now how, it apperead now.. i tried to replace with the new one, but it gives the same error..
C:\Documents and Settings\Vegas\Desktop\DV RP\DV RP\DV RP\pawno\include\core.inc(12) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Can you post the code so I know what line it is?

Here you are..

/* Core functions
* © Copyright 1998-2005, ITB CompuPhase
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _core_included
#define _core_included
#pragma library Core

native heapspace();

native funcidx(const name[]);

native numargs();
native getarg(arg, index=0);
native setarg(arg, index=0, value);

native tolower©;
native toupper©;
native swapchars©;

native random(max);

native min(value1, value2);
native max(value1, value2);
native clamp(value, min=cellmin, max=cellmax);

native getproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin, string[]="");
native setproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin, const string[]="");
native deleteproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin);
native existproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin);

Omg, the line IN your script.

Originally Posted by Windows32
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Omg, the line IN your script.
what he posted the code

the line is

native heapspace();

@OP not sure, make sure you have the latest includes, and server package!

but i think this is an old native not sure why

show how you include the files at the top of your mode.

Don't be stupid.. This is from 1 to 19 line:


** **
** Division RP **
** by Hudiga & Vegas. **
** **
/*-------------------------------Uradjene stvari---------------------------*\------------------------Treba uraditi-------------------------------------|
1. Reg/Log dijalozi i TD-ovi sredjeni. | 1. Evente --- URADJENO |
2. Smanjena plata svim igracima. | 2. Treba popraviti /v lock --- URADJENO |
3. Uradjen novi /equip za | 3. Treba napraviti TextDraw-ove za vozila na prodaju i kuce na prodaju |
4. Uradjena Street Racers org | |
5. Uradjena cmd /barikada za Street racerse | |
6. Ubacen novi spawn, interior, rent motori. | |
7. Ubacena auta za prodaju | |
8. Ubacen štit za PD | |
9. Ubacene rotacije za sultan | |
10. Ubaceno bacanje i podizanje oruzja | |


Perhaps this is a late comment. But:

As first you have 's' at the begin. Remove that 's'.
Secondly, '/*' starts the commenting. '*/' close it. You have:
/*-------------------------------Uradjene stvari---------------------------*\------------------------Treba uraditi-------------------------------------|
So after that '*\' the comments are closed. All the text after that isn't a commentand is trying to be compiled as a normal script (which will fail ).
So, (if this is your script), it should look like this:
pawn Code:
** **
** Division RP **
** by Hudiga & Vegas. **
** **

/*-------------------------------Uradjene stvari---------------------------------------------------Treba uraditi-------------------------------------|
1. Reg/Log dijalozi i TD-ovi sredjeni. | 1. Evente --- URADJENO |
2. Smanjena plata svim igracima. | 2. Treba popraviti /v lock --- URADJENO |
3. Uradjen novi /equip za | 3. Treba napraviti TextDraw-ove za vozila na prodaju i kuce na prodaju |
4. Uradjena Street Racers org | |
5. Uradjena cmd /barikada za Street racerse | |
6. Ubacen novi spawn, interior, rent motori. | |
7. Ubacena auta za prodaju | |
8. Ubacen љtit za PD | |
9. Ubacene rotacije za sultan | |
10. Ubaceno bacanje i podizanje oruzja | |
(Oyeah btw, it would be nice to use [ pawn ] instead of [ code ])

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