D_Administration System(Advanced Features) Discussions

D_Administration System
65% Completed
(v1.00)Releasing: 26 August, 2012

Downloads & Updates
(v1.00) Update 1

Basic knowledge
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Basic Knowledge
Hi guys! As you know, this is a discussion centre for my admin script: D_Administration & Its soon gona be released. As i think its relly good & think so gona be the bestAdmin script. There are many features & Dynamic functions of it which you see and will get happy.This is a (D = Dynamic) Admin script which will take me almost months to complete but today its 65% complete. I will be able to release it on 26 August, 2012(Aprox) for you guys. Hope you will like it. As this admin script is made with all the latest and fastest includes and plugins of SAMP 0.3e. Lets take a quick view to it:

Type: Administration FilterScript
Version: 1.00
SAMP: 0.3e
Creator: $$insane

7 Admin levels -> The admin script contains 7 admin levels with different powers.

Tittle System -> Every admin level has its own title.
1.Trial Admin
2.Junior Admin
3.Senior Admin
4.Lead Admin
5.General Admin
6.Global Admin
7.RCON/Master Admin

Account Ssystem -> (Change Name + Change Pass + Login & Register)

Save Player Statics -> (Name+ Score+ Death+ kills+ Weapons+ Money+ Position+ Time+ Ip+ Health+ Armor+ Wanted+ Skin+ Colour)

Automatically Login -> Enable or disable auto login
Anti-Cheat -> Weapon hack+ Health hack+ Armor hack+ Speed hack+ Minigun hack+ Jetpack hack)

Teleports Menu -> Over 15+ teleports
Admin Panel -> (Set Weather+ Set Int+ Set Vir+ Set Skin+ Give Score+ Give Money+ Spawn All+ Freeze All+ Unfreeze All+ Mute All+ Unmute All)

Admin Remote Panel -> (Spec+ Mute+ Unmute+ Set Health+ Set Armor+ Slap+ kick+ Ban+ Jail+ Unjail+ Set Money+ Set Skin+ Explode+ Commands Block+ Freeze+ Unfreeze+ Go to+ Get Here)

Anti-Forbiden Names -> Configuration in files

In-Game RCON Remote Panel -> (LoadFs+ Reload FS+ Unload FS+ Change Hostname+ Change Mode+ Change Mapname+ Restart Server+ Close Server+ Ban Ip+ Unban Ip+ Reload Bans+ Reload Server_log+ Announce+ Gravity+ Weather+ Change RCON pass+ Change Web URL+ Echo)

Register & Login -> Using YSI.(Thnx Y_Less)

Enable & Disable Options -> (Ping Kicker+ Auto Login+ Auto Mute+ Capslog+ Auto Kick+ Auto Ban) Configuration in file & dialogs alos

Anti-SwearWords -> Configuration in file(Disables the swear word with **)

Reports -> Saved in files, can check anytime

Private Message Detector -> Admin can watch private messages of a player by /pmdetect <playerid> & /pmdetectoff <playerid>

Command Detector -> Admin can watch all commands writen with / in main chat

Temporary Ban -> Temporary Ban/Unban players

Warn System -> (Counts number of warns+ Max warns 3, over- Kick)

Spectate System -> With textdraws(Health+ Armor+ Ping+ Name+ Sprint+ Score)

Free Spec Mode -> Freely move and spec without textdraws

Auto Mute -> Max spam 3 - Auto Mute

Auto Kick -> (3 Auto Spams+ 3Warns+ AFK)

Auto Ban -> Ban automatically on anti-cheats

Car tuner menu -> Tuning cars very easily

Immune System -> Lower level can't apply powers on higher level

Fake Chat/Commands -> Admin level 5 can do fake chat or make fake commands

Viewing online admins -> View online admins with level and title in dialogs

Event Creator -> Create a event at any place when type /event, then a objects are created and we can invite members

Admin/VIP. chat -> Admin chat by: '!' VIP. Chat by: '#'

Mega Jump setter -> /Setmegajump <playerid> or /Unsetmegajump <playerid>

Online player statics -> View online Statics of players (Name+ Score+ Kills+ Deaths+ VIP. Level+ Admin Level)

Admin skin saver and user -> /Saveskin <skin id> and then /Useskin

VIP. System -> A dynamic VIP. system with 3 levels:
1. Trial VIP.
2. Gold VIP.
3. Premium VIP.

VIP. Control Panel -> /Vcp to open VIP. control panel

Admin system easy configuration in files ->
(Scriptfiles/D_Admin/Users/%s.ini) - Save player statics
(Scriptfiles/D_Admin/Config/Forbiden names.ini) - Forbiden names configuration
(Scriptfiles/D_Admin/Config/Swear words.ini) - Swear words configuration
(Scriptfiles/D_Admin/Reports.ini) - View and save player reports
(Scriptfiles/D_Admin/Config/Enable&Disable.ini) - Enable & Disable function like auto login, auto ban.. etc...
(Scriptfiles/D_Admin/AdminSkins.ini) - Save admins skins

Lot more to discover really

-Comming soon-

-Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 commands
-Over 125+ Admins commands
-Over 15+ VIP. Commands
-Over 5+ Player Commads

1. Download D_Admin first.
2. Open Filterscript from downloaded folder and copy the script.
3. Paste it to your Filterscript section.
4. Now open Script files from the dowloaded folder and copy D_Admin.
5. Paste it to your Scriptfiles section.
6. If you don't have the includes/Plugins then download them
7. Now open Server.cfg and put D_Admin in FilterScript section and save + Close
8. Now open Server.exe and enjoy the admin system

What is D_Admin?
->Its a Administration filterscript in-game

What is its use?
->You can use it for Administration in-game, Against hackers, For fun

How to Install it?
->Read the installation log, if didn't got it then ask the creator or others

-Any other question is welcomed.

DownloadPLugins & Includes
-Comming soon-

Creator $$insane

You made an admin system? Wow, so original.


Anyhow, it's just like LuxAdmin, but newer, so if that's advanced..

Originally Posted by AngryUnibrow
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You made an admin system? Wow, so original.
Come on, It isn't easy for someone to make an admin system.

Originally Posted by $$inSane
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I am trying to make it the best admin script in whole SAMP.
Originally Posted by AngryUnibrow
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You made an admin system? Wow, so original.
look what he's trying to do/say.

Originally Posted by AngryUnibrow
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You made an admin system? Wow, so original.
Like you can make one... Have you tried? It isn't easy it is hard!

Originally Posted by InfinityCOD
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Like you can make one... Have you tried? It isn't easy it is hard!
Because that would explain the tons of admin systems on these forums.

Originally Posted by Haydn
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Come on, It isn't easy for someone to make an admin system.
Yes you are right, its for me hard to make an admin system,

And good admin script bro keep it up

and dont care about AngryUniBrow

he's hater

Originally Posted by BEER-samp
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Yes you are right, its for me hard to make an admin system,

And good admin script bro keep it up

and dont care about AngryUniBrow

he's hater

Originally Posted by AngryUnibrow
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Because that would explain the tons of admin systems on these forums.
Making an original admin system is hard. Most people that make them probably look at others' systems to get inspiration or to just blatantly copy things from other people.

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