Windows 7 .

Hello guys, i just installed Windows 7 and mistakly selected Alienware and now it won't load my Video Card.

I have nVidia GeForce 210 and it don't show's it in device manager so i can't install the driver.. Help me i want to install the driver so i can play Games which needs lil higher video cards...

i want my Driver to appear there so i can install it, never happened with Vista though.

Install new drivers or insert the cd/dvd if u have any.. Or ****** your graphic card's name + drivers, u may find.. Or it maybe works to unistall Ailenware some way.. Look in your programs.. Or re-install Windows..

Download the driver from their website, install it and restart. You should be fine then.

Fixed, Thanks both.Just inserted the drivers DVD and installed it and Done. Rep'd

Originally Posted by Rudy_
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Fixed, Thanks both.Just inserted the drivers DVD and installed it and Done. Rep'd
No problem I'm glad that I could help u .

Is it possible to update Windows Vista to Windows 7? I'm using laptop.

Originally Posted by n00b_scripter
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yup i think just format you pc i mena install new windows
Thanks, here's a gift.. Rep+

Originally Posted by Raiden Dragneel
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Is it possible to update Windows Vista to Windows 7? I'm using laptop.
insert the win 7 install disc and select the 'upgrade' option.

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