Need help and tips! Thanks

Hello, my name is Panos, i own a stunt/war samp server and i know a lot of things about scripting, but I have big problem scripting an RP server. I want to begin from scratch an RP server, but my knowledges are only a few for RP scripting, like making save systems, make Factions and other things for RP...So i want to tell me, how must i start scripting for an RP? What must i read and learn to be easier for me? please give me tips and post me some useful guide links that will help me...thanks a lot!


and i know a lot of things about scripting

If i know how to use a gun,i don't forget how to shoot...

Originally Posted by Logitech90
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If i know how to use a gun,i don't forget how to shoot...
Ok, so then maybe is not much that i know! :P any tips?

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