20.05.2012, 19:46
Warning to com Problema ao Resolver
O que Contem na Linha
Base disso
\/ fazendo assim so q em text draw
Acho q o unico erro e na no amount nao sei aonde colocar .-.
PHP код:
(996) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
PHP код:
forward OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid);
public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid)
DAMAGEa = TextDrawCreate(171.000000, 388.000000, "DAMAGE - %",amount);
TextDrawAlignment(DAMAGEa, 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(DAMAGEa, 255);
TextDrawFont(DAMAGEa, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(DAMAGEa, 0.160000, 0.599999);
TextDrawColor(DAMAGEa, 16711935);
TextDrawSetOutline(DAMAGEa, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(DAMAGEa, 1);
foreach (new i : Player)
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, DAMAGEa);
SetTimer("DestruirTextoDraw",1000, false);
return 1;
\/ fazendo assim so q em text draw
PHP код:
if(damagedid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
new string[128], vitima[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], agressor[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new weaponname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, agressor, sizeof (agressor));
GetPlayerName(damagedid, vitima, sizeof (vitima));
GetWeaponName(weaponid, weaponname, sizeof (weaponname));
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s tirou %.0f danos de %s. Arma: %s", agressor, amount, vitima, weaponname);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, string);
return 1;