Need help with Chatbox [ READ Please!! ]

ok,so i got a chatbot.

from. here.

When i say something like...

hi , bot replies but when i say like 5 times hi, then he says 5 times the message..
so it can be abused with spam...

Can anyone edit that pastebin or tell me how to make it like this:

Example i say 5 times hi and she replys only after maybe 20 sec ?


Try this:

pawn Код:
new p_AntiSpam[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    if( ( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_AntiSpam[ playerid ] ) > 20000 )
        if(!strcmp(text, "Ha", true) || !strcmp(text, "lol", true) || !strcmp(text, "rofl", true) || !strcmp(text, "lmao", true))
            SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
            SendBotMessage("ROFL - COPTER");
            p_AntiSpam[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
            return 0;

        if(!strcmp(text, "Hi", true) || !strcmp(text, "Sup", true) || !strcmp(text, "Sophie", true) || !strcmp(text, "Hiya", true))
            SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
            p_AntiSpam[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
            return 0;
    return 1;

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