Car lights don't work during the day

Can someone help me with this fu***ng car lights..

They are working when i turn it on and get out of the vehicle, they also work when i'm in vehicle on passenger seat, if i'm on drivers seat lights are not working. This is only during the day, they are working normaly during the night...
Any solution? Thanks.


Hard to say whats wrong. Can you post your command or what you are using to turn the lights on?

Under OnGameModeInit


Originally Posted by HDFord
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Can you post your command or what you are using to turn the lights on?
I smell someone who wants to steal scripts.. hmm

I'm not going to steal his script! I do already have a vehiclesystem in my script.

Originally Posted by HDFord
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I'm not going to steal his script! I do already have a vehiclesystem in my script.
I smell stealing same as Biesman, quit trying and get over it and search for some tutorials that you may use to implement your engine, and lights system.

Originally Posted by ikey07
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Under OnGameModeInit

Thank you so much!

Ow wow, He is just trying to help.
Claiming that he is stealing a script is nonsense and just bs.
Even if it might be right, you have no reason to say that he is stealing a script because thats usually what you do, you post a code.

With vehicle lights its an exeption because its just one function, but not all people know that,

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