Help! Looking for somebody.

I have a script that uses a MySql base to work, and I'm looking for somebody who will convert that to normal y_ini system, so that script does not use MySql for reading from, just regular scriptfiles. Anyone knows?

Sorry for my bad English.

Some features may be reliant on mySQL and therefore can't be changed.

I have a problem that I can't start server becouse I don't have a MySQL base, can i transfer somehow that script so I can start it?

Many people will do it, although you will have to pay.

Why don't you just use a MySQL database yourself? upload the database and update the info on the gamemode. I'd suggest you use xampp.

I don't now how to, and I don't have datebase of server, I have everything else, just datebase i don't have.. Who want's to transfer that to --> contact "PM" and I will pay him.

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