Is it possible to use DCMD And ZCMD Together?

Is it possible to use DCMD And ZCMD Together?

U see i used DCMD to script before but i wana use ZCMD too due to it being easier...

So is it possible?

I believe so.

Originally Posted by JAMMIEISFTW
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Is it possible to use DCMD And ZCMD Together?

U see i used DCMD to script before but i wana use ZCMD too due to it being easier...

So is it possible?
Depends on what kind of things you want to make. If you're wanting to make a gamemode using DCMD and a filterscript to add-on to the gamemode with ZCMD, yes that's possible but I'm not sure if you're talking about using both in a gamemode.

You can use them together, one in a gamemode and the other one in a filterscript. Though i would suggest you to convert your script either to zcmd or dcmd, whichever is preferable to you.

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