[HELP]Converting .pwn to .AMX problem

Ok when i try to convert my GM script to .AMX via Pawno i get these errors

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3322) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3322) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3459) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(348 : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3834) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerInterior" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3877) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleName"
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3877) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3893) : error 004: function "IsASalesVehicle" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3897) : error 004: function "GetVehiclePrice" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3992) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3997) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4002) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4007) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4012) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4822) : error 004: function "ABroadCast" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4824) : error 004: function "ABroadCast" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5624) : error 004: function "ClearChatbox" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5642) : error 004: function "SendAdminMessage" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5647) : error 004: function "OnPlayerUpdateEx" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5669) : error 004: function "SendAdminMessage" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5680) : error 004: function "OnPlayerUpdateEx" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5691) : error 004: function "ClearChatbox" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5699) : error 004: function "SendAdminMessage" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5701) : error 004: function "SendAdminMessage" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5851) : error 004: function "SendIRCMessage" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5873) : error 004: function "SendIRCMessage" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\GTA server 2\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6190) : error 004: function "OOCOff" is not implemented

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

Im useing Ravens Roleplay GM

I believe that is some key

You must have forgotten to close or open a key " { " or " } "

Originally Posted by RoacH`
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I believe that is some key
what do you mean some key? could someone help me gt the script fixed i wanna turn on my server

Originally Posted by RoacH`
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I believe that is some key
IDEA! MSG me your email and i think i may be able to send you the script for it to be fixed

Ok now it says
C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\Desktop\GTASER~2\GAMEMO~1\larp.p wn(3317) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\Desktop\GTASER~2\GAMEMO~1\larp.p wn(3317) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero

All i have in line 3317 is a };

Originally Posted by John Pearson
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Ok now it says
C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\Desktop\GTASER~2\GAMEMO~1\larp.p wn(3317) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\Desktop\GTASER~2\GAMEMO~1\larp.p wn(3317) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero

All i have in line 3317 is a };
Give us the entire function line 3317 is apart of.

Just guessing, try to delete the ; so it's just a }.

Originally Posted by 2KY
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Give us the entire function line 3317 is apart of.

Just guessing, try to delete the ; so it's just a }.
Ok i need big help it says
C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\Desktop\GTASER~2\GAMEMO~1\larp.p wn(3317) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\Desktop\GTASER~2\GAMEMO~1\larp.p wn(3317) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero

Line:3317: };>
I've tried to get it to thing the expression stops even } and }; wont work

show us the code instead of letting us guess the problem..

People getting dumber every day

Before you re-compile , What did you add to the script thats first , Second show us your includes or script name if that from SA-MP Forums...

C:\Users\User\Desktop\TheWalkingDead RPG\pawno\include\rnpc.inc(27 : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleModelInfo"
C:\Users\User\Desktop\TheWalkingDead RPG\pawno\include\rnpc.inc(273) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ro_zs"
C:\Users\User\Desktop\TheWalkingDead RPG\pawno\include\rnpc.inc(52 : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerGiveDamage")
C:\Users\User\Desktop\TheWalkingDead RPG\filterscripts\zombiep.pwn(197) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerTakeDamage")
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

I'm having this error, what could it be?

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