No one can see the players moving

Hi scripters
Today i found a problem in the server (i just changed the anti cheat)
The players can"t see the other players moves ! i mean that i can move (run walk shot ...) but i see the othere players in the spawn place ! and the other players have the same problem
I have all the OnPlayerUpdate return 1;
Do someone know where the problem come from ?


Today i found a problem in the server (i just changed the anti cheat)
There's your problem.


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This is beyond annoying.

You're probably returning 0 under OnPlayerUpdate. Comment out your entire OnPlayerUpdate callback with \* at the start and *\ at the end and see if it fixes it. If so, find out what is being returned as 0 in OnPlayerUpdate.

in the Game mods and FS right ?


still not working even when i did the /* */ on all the OnPlayerUpdate ...

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