15.04.2012, 16:29
okay If I neeed to do a /engineon CMD I will do:
the Hard part I want to do the (/do You can Hear the Engine Start ((the Name of the player)) )
how to put the Player Name there?
and another THing:
I want to send Message to the Killer to..... how to make it?
Thanks for help!
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) if (strcmp("/engineon", cmdtext, true) == 0) ManualVehicleEngineAndLights SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOUR_PINK,"......");
how to put the Player Name there?
and another THing:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) SendClientMessage(playerid,"....");
I want to send Message to the Killer to..... how to make it?
Thanks for help!