[Tool/Web/Other] Next panel 0.2A

Hello all, some people already saw the next panel(version 0.1A) located at : https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=330190
I'm here to release the bug fix version, some codes has been changed on the panel.
This panel version has been tested on ubuntu 11.10, and works fine(no bugs found)
A few changes that i've done to the panel:
  1. Moved server.php and user.php for the same file(configuration.php).
  2. Index.php and login.php are now requiring the configuration and the sampqueryapi
  3. *lol* Changed the footer for the version 0.2A.
A few pics of the panel are on the links below:
  1. http://stuntevolution.info/panel.png
  2. http://stuntevolution.info/panel1.png
  3. http://stuntevolution.info/panel2.png
  4. http://stuntevolution.info/panel3.png
The requiriments are the same:
  1. Web server with php 5.3 installed
  2. Web server with php ssh2 module installed(if not, the panel will give up a error)
  3. Debian or Ubuntu Server OS
  4. You need to own the server that you're hosted, or have ssh access
Special thanks to:
Westie, for the SAMPQueryAPI.
Kalcor, to make this gta sa multiplayer mod.
Calgon, to report some mistakes on it.

* How to put it working *
First of all, extract the panel on your web server,
Second, configure the file: configuration.php, with the correct data,
Third, Enjoy it!

If you want to download this version, click here(tar.gz format)

latest update: Main panel code changed, and pages are now accessed by their name, and not number.

Our temporary website is online , i still did not had time to create the design.

Nice design, given the code a quick check over, nothing wrong with it! A great improvement from 0.1a



Originally Posted by Jack_Rocker
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Nice design, given the code a quick check over, nothing wrong with it! A great improvement from 0.1a


Since Calgon said somethings about it(do not use short tags...), i just needed to repair the mistakes done on it.

Version 0.2B, with some repairs on the design will came out on the next week.

Windows o Linux?

Originally Posted by Sauxe
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Windows o Linux?

Originally Posted by Sauxe
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Windows o Linux?

Debian or Ubuntu Server OS

If you read again the topic, i've posted there the requiriments to run this panel.

a lot better
keep it up

Originally Posted by Moh_
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a lot better
keep it up
Thanks (:

The version 0.2B will have 3 more things, will say how many ram/cpu the server is using, if it's using more than the limit, will send you a e-mail, and if pass the x % of the limit, will automatically restart(cron job, need to be setup by the end user) so will prevent some vps crash and so on.

Very nice, but is MySQL or ini editor ?

Cool Panel dude, Great Work

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