Timer stops randomly

So yeah, some timers stop randomly then starts randomly. Apparently only a few people on SA-MP experience this so it's very hard to search for a solution. Can anyone help?

Are you using SetTimer or SetTimerEx?, use SetTimerEx if you gonna use playerid use SetTimerEx because the timer needs parameter


also if you want to keep the timer repeating just use something like this

pawn Код:
SetTimerEx(funcname, interval, true, format, float);
or if you use SetTimer it must be something like this

pawn Код:
SetTimer(funcname, interval, true);
false if you want to stop the timer after the timer calls the callback

Originally Posted by RollTi
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Are you using SetTimer or SetTimerEx?, use SetTimerEx if you gonna use playerid use SetTimerEx because the timer needs parameter
May I ask what that has to do with timers stopping?

I don't experience as described in the original post, however I do know that this may be caused by attempting to kill timers that don't "exist".

I'm thinking it's because of the amount of timers I got. I'm reducing them right now and see if that'll work.

Edit: Nope. It didn't. I've reduced the total of my SetTimer and SetTimerEx to 6.

Edit: Delete this. I thought someone replied after mine.


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