ID objects command

Hi guys, do anyone knows a command ingame the allow you to see all id objects and positions... Like Car ID:, Position: ...

Thanks all for the attention.

for vehicle information shown ingame, type /DL in the chat.

Yeah but he ask for Object info. and me too there is any command like that?

Yeah i already see this comand the you see all ingame car id, door id....

yeah i need this command too

This could enable for people to steal map ideas from servers. There is no client sided command, but this can be scripted.

this command dont need to be for client in fact its only for RCON ADM

I know, but is must be scripted server-sided. Commands like /dl /timestamp /headmove etc. are client sided commands that are coded into SAMP's source. So all a player has to do is install SAMP.

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