[CODE] if statements with strings

//Buy Car//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
dcmd_buycar(playerid, params[])
static carName[32], Bravura[32], Glendale[32];
Glendale = "Glendale";
Bravura = "Bravura";
if (sscanf(params, "s", carName)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /buycar [car name]");
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, 1667.5986,-1887.8107,13.2885))
if(carName == Bravura)
if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 5000)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - 5000);
vehicleID ++;
playerVeh = vehicleID;
new VehString[128];
format(VehString, 128, "You are now using vehicle %i", playerVeh);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, VehString);
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You do not have enough money to buy this");
return 1;

if(carName == Glendale)
if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 2500)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - 2500);
vehicleID ++;
playerVeh = vehicleID;
new VehString[128];
format(VehString, 128, "You are now using vehicle %i", playerVeh);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, VehString);
return 1;

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You do not have enough money to buy this");
return 1;
return 1;
return 1;

how do I get this to work, the error occurs when I try -
if(carName == Glendale)
I get error
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay2.pwn(535) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "carName")

Man, I understand what you trying to do.. in other languages that would work a think, at least some of it

format(Bravura, sizeof(Bravura), "Bravura");
format(Glendable, sizeof(Glendale), "Glendale");    // this instead the "=" operator to give them a value
Then you have to do the same thing for carName
format(carName, sizeof(carName), "%s", params);
And to compare the two, you use
strcmp(Glendale, carName, true);   //and not the "=="
Hope I helped you somehow

yeah thanks but when I do -
if(strcmp(Glendale, carName, true));
if(strcmp(Bravura, carName, true));

the two get mixed up and Glendale creates bravura and Bravura creates Glendale so I then have to do -

if(strcmp(Bravura, carName, true));
if(strcmp(Glendale, carName, true));

The strcmp() returns a value if the values match and another if they dont

Like this
 if(strcmp(Glendale, carName, true) == 0)
               // then you create a glendale
         else if(strcmp(Bravura, carName, true == 0)
              // then you create a bravura
              // The car isnt a bravura or a glendale
You can see here when strcmp returns true https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Strcmp
"0" means that they are equal

you can't use two if's because it will do the two if's and thats not what you want
if it is a bravura, you can a piece of code, else if it is a glendale you run other piece of code and if it isn't a bravura or a glendale (the "else" part), then you can for example send a message saying "Invalid vehicle

you used a static CarName[32];

static function will store the last used value ever..so try using new CarName[32];

and i had no idea where you placed that CarName = params;

okay thanks for the help guys

I see why it wasnt working its because I had to do - if(strcmp(Glendale, carName, true) == 0)

but i was doing - if(strcmp(Glendale, carName, true))

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