[Help]Weird Problem

Today I've scripted my GameMode..
Compiled it and everything was fine ! Now,I've just edited public PayDay and Pawn Compiler stops responding !
I have a backup of my Mod and just copied the callback,put it down in my Script and it's the same ! But when I Comment the callback everything is fine...Just some errors "undefined symbol PayDay"...
Here is the callback:
public PayDay()
	new string[128];
	new coordstring[128];
	new coordstring1[128];
	new coordstring2[128];
	new coordstring3[128];
	new coordstring4[128];
	new coordstring5[128];
	new coordstring6[128];
	new coordstring7[128];
	new coordstring8[128];
	new payday[512];
	new account,interest;
	new rent = 0;
	foreach (Player, i)
		    if(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel] > 0)
				    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Niste uspjeli da vratite dug, idete u zatvor.");
				    GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Uhapsen!", 2000, 1);
				    new rand = random(sizeof(gRandomJailSpawns));
					SetPlayerPos(i, gRandomJailSpawns[rand][0], gRandomJailSpawns[rand][1], gRandomJailSpawns[rand][2]);
		            PlayerInfo[i][pJailed] = 1;
					WantedPoints[i] = 0;
					PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] = 240;
					format(string, sizeof(string), "Uhapseni ste na %d sekundi.   Kaucija: Nedostupna", PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime]);
					SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
				new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(i, playername2, sizeof(playername2));
				account = PlayerInfo[i][pAccount];
				new tmpintrate;
				if (PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] != 255 && strcmp(playername2, Houses[PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey]][hOwner], true) == 0)
				    if(GetPVarInt(i, "DonatorRank")  > 0) { tmpintrate = intrate+4; }
					else { tmpintrate = intrate+2; }//Houses[key][hLevel]
				    if(GetPVarInt(i, "DonatorRank")  > 0) { tmpintrate = 3; }
					else { tmpintrate = 1; }
				if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 5)
				    Tax += TaxValue;//Should work for every player online
				    PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= TaxValue;
					new checks = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 50;
					if(PlayerInfo[i][pDonateRank] > 0)
					    new bonus = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 100;
					    checks += bonus;
				    new ebill = (PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]/10000)*(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]);
				    account += checks;
				    if(PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] > 0)
				    	PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= ebill;
				    	SBizzInfo[4][sbTill] += ebill;
					    ebill = 0;
					interest = (PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]/1000)*(tmpintrate);
					PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] = account+interest;
					format(coordstring, sizeof(coordstring),  " {48E31C}Plata: {FFFFFF}$%d\n {48E31C}Takse: {FFFFFF}-$%d\n", checks, TaxValue);
					if(PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] != 255 || PlayerInfo[i][pPbiskey] != 255)
					    format(coordstring1, sizeof(coordstring1), " {48E31C}Racun za struju: {FFFFFF}-$%d\n", ebill);
					format(coordstring2, sizeof(coordstring2), " {48E31C}Staro Stanje: {FFFFFF}$%d\n", account - checks);
					format(coordstring3, sizeof(coordstring3), " {48E31C}Kamata: {FFFFFF}0.%d posto\n",tmpintrate);
					format(coordstring4, sizeof(coordstring4), " {48E31C}Kamatni Interes: {FFFFFF}$%d\n", interest);
					format(coordstring5, sizeof(coordstring5), " {48E31C}Novo stanje: {FFFFFF}$%d\n", PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]);
					format(coordstring6, sizeof(coordstring6), " {48E31C}Renta: {FFFFFF}-$%d\n", rent);
					format(coordstring7, sizeof(coordstring7), " {48E31C}Ukupan Kredit: {FFFFFF}$%d\n", PlayerInfo[i][pKredit]);
					if(PlayerInfo[i][pKredit] != 0)
						format(coordstring8, sizeof(coordstring8), " {48E31C}Rata: {FFFFFF}%d\n", PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]);
						PlayerInfo[i][pKredit] -= 500;
						PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= 500;
					format(payday, 512,"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",coordstring,coordstring1,coordstring2,coordstring3,coordstring4,coordstring5,coordstring6,coordstring7,coordstring8);
				    ShowPlayerDialog(i, 667, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{48E31C}Payday | Placa", payday , "Uredu", "Uredu");
					format(string, sizeof(string), "~y~Plata~n~~w~Plata je stigla na vas racun");
					GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 1);
					rent = 0;
					PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] = 0;
					PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] = 0;
					PlayerInfo[i][pConnectTime] += 1;
					if(FarmerVar[i] == 0)
						FarmerPickup[i][0] = 0;
					if(DrugFarmerVar[i] == 0)
						DrugFarmerPickup[i][0] = 0;
					if(SmugglerWork[i] == 0)
						PayDaySecure[i] = 0;
					if(PlayerInfo[i][pDonateRank] > 0)
					    PlayerInfo[i][pPayDayHad] += 1;
					    if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDayHad] >= 5)
					        PlayerInfo[i][pPayDayHad] = 0;
				    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "* Niste igrali dovoljno dugo da biste dobili platu.");
	return 1;

did you use
pawn Код:
forward payday();
in top of your script

Originally Posted by Harish
Посмотреть сообщение
did you use
pawn Код:
forward payday();
in top of your script

Fixed ! LOCK

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