[question] textdraws

Why does the HUD disappear when you use SelectTextdraw? It's really ugly that way... :/

Could you at least make it optional if we want the HUD to disappear or not?

Or just TogglePlayerHud.

Well, it disappears in case you want to make a dialog system that way. That way you could use the entire screen. I do agree it should be optional though.

Originally Posted by MP2
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it should be optional
This^ If the hud wouldn't disappear you could put textdraws above the radar and money and stuff and make events when clicking it.
Would be very useful.

You couldn't really click the radar though - it's a circle.

I have a lot of textdraws that wrap around the hud, so when you just make the hud disappear it looks really really ugly. I really like this new function, please SA:MP don't mess it up like this.

Originally Posted by MP2
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You couldn't really click the radar though - it's a circle.
You could make an invisible textdraw on top of the radar and make it clickable so it would give the impression that you are clicking on the radar when you are actually clicking on the textdraw. There is so many things you could do with it then like for example show a map sprite on the screen etc. Also with the money, weapon slot, health bar. Being able to deposit money on the bank when you click on the moneybar, being able to buy weapons when you click on the weapon slot, refilling your health when you click on the heal thbar and so much more :P.

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