17.03.2012, 19:07
Последний раз редактировалось gold; 01.01.2013 в 10:17.
* Dropped support on Go-Businesses due to bugs & other scripts - MABYE WILL BE REBUILTED WITH BETTER OPTIONS *
By Gold
This is a dynamic businesses system, you dont need anything todo, just get a good spot and do '/buybusiness' and then follow the dialog and create yourself a business you will need to be connected to your RCON to approve the business and make it accessable and readable if you wont do '/approvehouse' and you made a GMX the house will not be saved. if you logout and come back the house settings will be saved, but you cant access the dialog.

Why Go-Businesses
You should use Go-Businesses to reduce waste of time and give the players in your server to decide where the business will be, it will help you and your server alot. trust me
Any suggestions that your have, please send them into my private messages, and i will answer/build it when i can.
Any bugs that you have found, please replay in the topic. and i will fix them in my free time.
By Gold
This is a dynamic businesses system, you dont need anything todo, just get a good spot and do '/buybusiness' and then follow the dialog and create yourself a business you will need to be connected to your RCON to approve the business and make it accessable and readable if you wont do '/approvehouse' and you made a GMX the house will not be saved. if you logout and come back the house settings will be saved, but you cant access the dialog.
- Dynamic: Create a business anywhere
Save: Everything saves at disconnect, you wont lose nothing.
Storage: You can store cash into your safe using /storecash and /takecash.
Entrance: Everyone can enter, If you want to prevent unwanted guests, use /lockbusiness.
Interiors: You can now have Sweet's Interior, Fancy Crib, Willowfield Safehouse, Madd Dogg's and Big Smoke's Crack Palace.
Upgrade: You can upgrade your business any time using '/businessupgrade'
Approval: Your business must be approved by an Admin. They can use /acceptbusiness and /denybusiness.
Map Icons: Now showing at a local business.

Why Go-Businesses
You should use Go-Businesses to reduce waste of time and give the players in your server to decide where the business will be, it will help you and your server alot. trust me

- Download the filterscript
- input into your server
- open server.cfg and put go-businesses in the filterscript line
- save the server.cfg and restart/start your server
Any suggestions that your have, please send them into my private messages, and i will answer/build it when i can.
Any bugs that you have found, please replay in the topic. and i will fix them in my free time.