04.03.2012, 17:46
Advanced Debug
What is it?"Advanced Debug" is my new system. It was built to make the /save usage easier.
The command that replaces it, is /static. It isn't so long script, or if you'll let me say - short. but it can affect your time of scripting, abit.
Usage of static: /static [function]
Teleport, Class, Vehicle, Object, 3DText, Pickup, Checkpoint
I will explain the functions, and their own syntax:
Usage of Teleport: /static Teleport [Comment]
Will save a teleport ((SetPlayerPos+SetPlayerFacingAngle)) to the positions.pwn file.
Usage of Class: /static Class [Comment]
Will save a player class ((AddPlayerClass)) to the positions.pwn file.
Usage of Vehicle: /static Vehicle [Color1] [Color2] [Comment]
Will save a vehicle ((AddStaticVehicle)) to the positions.pwn file.
NOTE: It will save the current vehicle model to the file, if the player isn't in any vehicle - he will get a client message with error.
Usage of Object: /static Object [objectmodel] [Comment]
Will save an object ((CreateObject)) to the positions.pwn file.
Usage of 3DText: /static 3dtext [Comment]
Will save a 3d text label ((Create3DTextLabel)) to the positions.pwn file.
NOTE: You are not required to fill a text parameter, You'll need to copy the code, and change the text from the default.
Usage of Pickup: /static Pickup [pickupmodel] [pickuptype] [Comment]
Will save a pickup ((CreatePickup)) to the positions.pwn file.
Usage of Checkpoint: /static Checkpoint [Comment]
Will save a checkpoint ((SetPlayerCheckpoint)) to the positions.pwn file.
NOTE: You can change the SetPlayerCheckpoint function, to your streamer's function.
* The positions.pwn file located in the following path:
Server Folder/PowerPawn/positions.pwn - The files / directories are being created when starting samp-server.exe automatic if they don't exists.
* The system using JaTochNietDan's FileManager 1.2.
Time for me to shut up, and you to download it.
Choose a mirror: Pastebin or MediaFire
Partner - Scripting & publishing the files
JaTochNietDan - Creating the FileManager 1.2 (Download)