TextDraw InfoBox help

Hello Everyone,

I want to know how can i make a Dynamic TextDraw InfoBox which can be used with any string and can be removed by pressing Caps Lock. I hope you understand.

If you can tell me simple functions to code this or show me any tutorial or anything? Will be appreciated by repping+ the person.

Ballu Miaa

You can get started by using this library.

dont think you can capture the caps-lock press


youll have to use one of these keys,

then in the OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
check if key is pressed and toggle the TD,
if you want to update the text i think you must destroy TD and remake it everytime.

Originally Posted by T0pAz
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You can get started by using this library.
Thanks for that. Ill try to change it according to my needs for my usage! Repped+

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