25.02.2012, 01:27
Hello Guys. Ive been experimenting a bit. I searched for about half an hour and I couldn't find anything to help me in my situation.
Basically I want an executable command that will then effect everyone
by the "i" I want it to effect everyone, can somebody help us out?
Basically I want an executable command that will then effect everyone
if(strcmp(cmd, "/nuke", true) == 0) { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { // PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/h779njgwom/halo_3_finish_the_fight.mp3", pos:X, pos:Y, pos:Z, 100, 1); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "AUDIO HERE :D"); return 1; } }