30.01.2012, 16:18
Hey i have problem with nuclear base
This Code dont do enything!
Its need do give Message it means that the NUCLEAR HAS KILLED EVERYONE
And its dont give nothing!
pawn Код:
dcmd_startmissle(playerid, params[])
#pragma unused params
if(gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_NUCLEAR)
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++ )
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && ( i != playerid) && (CanUseNUCLEAR[playerid] == 1337))
MoveObject(NuclearBomm, -390.69085693359,2794.9379882813,9.80140114, 209.00028991699);
CreateExplosion(-402.30023193359, 2795.8708496094, 83.068748474121, 6, 20);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, -431.04086303711, 2755.7937011719, 0);
GetPlayerPos(i,x,y,z );
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_NUCLEAR, "|- Nuclear has Killed! everyone! -|" );
return 1;
Its need do give Message it means that the NUCLEAR HAS KILLED EVERYONE
And its dont give nothing!