
When ever i am trying to compile i am getting this weird fatal error:
pawn Code:
fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dudb"
Yes i know

Download dudb.inc and place it in your pawno include folder!

I DO have it in my includes, and yes its a .inc file.
If i remove the #include <dudb> then i get the error for CPLoader, which i also have.
Weird errors.. Any idea?

Your not launching pawn from where you have the include !

yes. its all in the server folder. Just like you download it from sa-mp.com

It includes a_samp

Very informative topic title, really. Open the pawno.exe from the right folder, then open the script. NEVER double click on scripts to open them or you'll get problems.

Yeah idk why the title was named that. It was named Fatal Error but something went wrong. Sorry about that.

And i just realized i had another pawno in a different location it was launching from. Derp. thanks

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