18.01.2012, 07:49
If I just compile my gamemode, it compiles without any problem, ok.
but, if I do something like that:
it gets 26+ errors
crazy things, like:
C:\sampserver\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(460) : warning 219: local variable "i" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\sampserver\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(569) : warning 219: local variable "i" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\sampserver\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(676) : warning 219: local variable "buf" shadows a variable at a preceding level
of course I've done a lot of tests and I know it is cuz long string on "ShowPlayerDialog"
but, how can I use a long string on "ShowPlayerDialog"?
I've seen 80+ listitens on NG:RP (typing /setstation -> listitem 0)
so, it's not impossible
so, how to do that?
but, if I do something like that:
PHP код:
new loja[600];
strcat(loja,"1.\tPadaria\n2.\tBinco\n3.\t24/7 Los Santos Loja 1\n4.\t24/7 Los Santos Loja 2\n5.\t24/7 Los Santos Loja 3\n6.\t24/7 Los Santos Loja 4\n7.\t24/7 Los Santos Loja 5\n8.\tCluckin Bell LS\n9.\tCluckin Bell LV 1\n10.\tCluckin Bell LV 2");
strcat(loja,"\n11.\tCluckin Bell LV 3\n12.\tBurguer Shot LS Norte\n13.\tBurguer Shot LS Sul\n14.\tBurguer Shot LV 1\n15.\tBurguer Shot LV 2\n16.\tBurguer Shot LV 3\n17.\t1Burguer Shot LV 4\n18.\tPizzaria LS\n19.\tPizzaria LV 1");
strcat(loja,"\n20.\tPizzaria LV 2\n21.\tPizzaria LV 3");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_GPS_LOJAS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{00ff00}G.P.S. {ff0000}BSL{00ff00} Lojas:",loja,"Selecionar","Voltar");
crazy things, like:
C:\sampserver\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(460) : warning 219: local variable "i" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\sampserver\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(569) : warning 219: local variable "i" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\sampserver\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(676) : warning 219: local variable "buf" shadows a variable at a preceding level
of course I've done a lot of tests and I know it is cuz long string on "ShowPlayerDialog"
but, how can I use a long string on "ShowPlayerDialog"?
I've seen 80+ listitens on NG:RP (typing /setstation -> listitem 0)
so, it's not impossible
so, how to do that?