Map crash - or too far from SA?

Hello -whoever is reading this-,

I have a few questions about a map. I have a map (it's not mine, it's also not released and I won't do that) and that's got a problem.
When I am at a certain point, the client simply crashes. Here is some more info:

- The last position (about a second before the crash) is: -4696.8838, -5259.6396, 6.9095, 183.7859 (X, Y, Z, A) - This was in a vehicle.
This is the error log:
SA-MP 0.3d-R2
Exception At Address: 0x006FF35B

EAX: 0x119C6454	EBX: 0x00000000	ECX: 0x00B6F9CC	EDX: 0x119C6450
ESI: 0x00000000	EDI: 0x03F06FC0	EBP: 0x00000001	ESP: 0x0028FD48
EFLAGS: 0x00010206

+0000: 0x00000000   0x005342FE   0x00000000   0x00B6F9CC
+0010: 0x00000032   0x0B588DC0   0x76BB6C30   0x005343B7
+0020: 0x0B588DC0   0x00000000   0x00553308   0x0B588DC0
+0030: 0x00553C57   0x0B588D00   0x0000001A   0x00000001
+0040: 0x04BAD3DC   0x0053DFE2   0x00000000   0x0053EAA6
+0050: 0x0169EE0C   0x0053EAC4   0x44000000   0x43C00000
+0060: 0x0053ECC2   0x00000001   0x00619B71   0x0000001A
+0070: 0x00000001   0x00000001   0x0000000A   0x00748DF0
+0080: 0x0000001A   0x00000001   0x75141245   0x00000000
+0090: 0x0028FF88   0x7EFDE000   0x01690000   0x4F5D39C4
+00A0: 0x016910F0   0x00000008   0x00000100   0x00000008
+00B0: 0x00000102   0x44000000   0x43C00000   0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000   0x00000400   0x00000300   0x00000000
+00D0: 0x00000001   0x0093098A   0x00000200   0x00000000
+00E0: 0x01800200   0x239A86A7   0x00000200   0x00000180
+00F0: 0x0000002C   0x0028FE2C   0x00825EE4   0x75141245
+0100: 0x00000000   0x7EFDE000   0xFFFFFFFF   0x00821D57
+0110: 0x00000065   0x00000065   0x0028FF88   0x00824731
+0120: 0x00400000   0x00000000   0x01B82FC3   0x0000000A
+0130: 0x00000094   0x00000006   0x00000000   0x00001770
+0140: 0x00000002   0x76726500   0x20656369   0x6B636150
+0150: 0x00003120   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0160: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0170: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0180: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0190: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+01A0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+01B0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+01C0: 0x008245C8   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x7EFDE000
+01D0: 0xC0000005   0x00000000   0x01B82FC3   0x00000044
+01E0: 0x01BC0C38   0x01BC2DC8   0x01BC3C40   0x00000000
+01F0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0200: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0210: 0x00000000   0xFFFFFFFF   0xFFFFFFFF   0xFFFFFFFF
+0220: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x0028FE78   0x0028F91C
+0230: 0x0028FFC4   0x00825EE4   0x00888078   0x00000000
+0240: 0x0028FF94   0x7514339A   0x7EFDE000   0x0028FFD4
+0250: 0x775A9ED2   0x7EFDE000   0x54D69222   0x00000000
+0260: 0x00000000   0x7EFDE000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0270: 0x00000000   0x0028FFA0   0x00000000   0xFFFFFFFF

SCM Op: 0x470, lDbg: 0

Game Version: EU 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0
Since I can't get a proper language from this, is here anyone else who can? Also, does anyone know any object ID's which may crash the client? (Except for these:345, 1206, 384-393 and 301-319).

- Kevin

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