07.01.2012, 17:56
Someone can help me with teleport thing? Like - when i type /sf it teleports me to San fierro but only when i type /sf i have to wait 5 sec and only then i get to sf.
Thanks!. I hope you understand what i want. not my day..
Someone can help me with teleport thing? Like - when i type /sf it teleports me to San fierro but only when i type /sf i have to wait 5 sec and only then i get to sf.
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/sf", true) == 0) {new cartype = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new State=GetPlayerState(playerid); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); {if(State!=PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {SetPlayerPos(playerid,-1972.6483,283.9722,35.1719);} else if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, cartype) == 1) {SetVehiclePos(cartype,-1972.6483,283.9722,35.1719); SetVehicleZAngle(cartype,184.6754);} else {SetPlayerPos(playerid,-1972.6483,283.9722,35.1719);} GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~San Fierro",2500,1);} return 1;}