Force player to have not more than definied hp

Hello,since i'm making an anticheat i need to force player to NOT have HP/Armour MORE than 90.

Ex: If player buy a pizza from pizza stack and he fully restore his hp,the script will make automatically to 90.

Thanks (:

Create a timer with a loop through all players and check their health, if it's above 90, set it to 90. Like this:

pawn Код:
forward HealthTimer();

//Under OnGameModeInit

//Somewhere else
public HealthTimer()
     for (new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
          if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
            new Float:health;
            GetPlayerHealth(i, health);
            if (health > 90) SetPlayerHealth(i, 90);

A good way around a health cheat would be something like your own server-side health system. It would work just like server-side money.

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