Array Question

((Notice: I am a beginning-scripter, i am not the slightest bit intelligent with array's and such))


I have a question about array's.

So, this is something i'm currently scripting.

pawn Код:
//Top of the script
new RADIO[2]

//Somewhere down below
CMD:createradio(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 5)
        new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:angle;
        GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, angle);
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z);
        RADIO[1] = CreateObject(2102, X, Y, Z, 0, 0, angle, 200);
    return 1;

CMD:deleteradio(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 5)
        new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
        GetObjectPos(RADIO[1], X, Y, Z);
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 20.0, X, Y, Z))
    return 1;
This script creates a radio at my position when i type /createradio, and deletes it when i type /deleteradio. Lets say, i had the array as RADIO[32]. ((Just to say, i can't explain very well)).

I want it so when i /createradio, it will spawn the radio at my position, and make it number 0 ((if it was the first time i did it)). Now, i want it so if i type it again, it will add it up once more, so if i did it once previously, it would make the RADIO array = 1, and so forth. Because i don't want to make several "If(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint)" 's, and i would like to save line space. I also want it so when i type /deleteradio, it will check if i'm near one of the radio's i made, and delete that one only.

Sorry if ^^ that was to much to ask, i'm having trouble and i'm not the slightest bit very intelligent in scripting right now.

Thanks in advance, /KurtBag\

Something like this:
pawn Код:
#define MAX_RADIOS 20

// Global
CMD:createradio(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 5)
        if(gTotalRadios > MAX_RADIOS)
            return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Increase the # of radios. Current: "#MAX_RADIOS""); // We reached the max # of radios we can create

            Float: iPos[4]; // To store the positions

        GetPlayerPos(playerid, iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2]);
        GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, iPos[3]);
        gRadio[gTotalRadios] = CreateObject(2102, iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2], 0, 0, iPos[3], 200);

        gTotalRadios ++; // Increase the # of radios, that way they don't "overwrite"
    return 1;

CMD:deleteradio(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 5)
        for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(gTotalRadios); i++) // Make a loop through all radios created
                Float: iPos[3]; // Store all radio's position

            GetObjectPos(i, iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2]); // Get all radio's position
            if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 20.0, iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2]))
                DestroyObject(gRadio[i]); // Destroy nearby radios
                gTotalRadios --; // Decrease # of radios
    return 1;

The creating works perfectly, but the deleting doesn't.

I'd like to say: Thanks for the fast response.

Also, i understand what your doing here

EDIT: Plus, after you reach the maximum Radio's, it just says "Unknown Command" instead of returning any sendclientmessage

EDIT2: If you are in range of the radio, it still does not recognize you being inside the range (I added a else { sendclientmessage so i can see if it succeeds through the other one or not)

Ah, forgot something

Try this:
pawn Код:
#define MAX_RADIOS 20

// Global
CMD:createradio(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 5)
        if(gTotalRadios >= MAX_RADIOS)
            return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Increase the # of radios. Current: "#MAX_RADIOS""); // We reached the max # of radios we can create

            Float: iPos[4]; // To store the positions

        GetPlayerPos(playerid, iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2]);
        GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, iPos[3]);
        gRadio[gTotalRadios] = CreateObject(2102, iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2], 0, 0, iPos[3], 200);

        gTotalRadios ++; // Increase the # of radios, that way they don't "overwrite"
    return 1;

CMD:deleteradio(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 5)
        for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(gTotalRadios); i++) // Make a loop through all radios created
                Float: iPos[3]; // Store all radio's position

            GetObjectPos(gRadio[i], iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2]); // Get all radio's position
            if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 20.0, iPos[0], iPos[1], iPos[2]))
                DestroyObject(gRadio[i]); // Destroy nearby radios
                gTotalRadios --; // Decrease # of radios
    return 1;

I appreciate the effort, but now theres still something wrong. Not sure if its just me.

When i type /createobject, it works, i do it a few more times, then, when i walk up to the last one i made, or any of the previous ones, it doesn't work, unless it was the first one? When i delete the first one, and try to delete the others, it still won't work.

Thanks in advance,

Still looking for help, if possible, Thank you

Still looking for any help possible

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