28.12.2011, 19:58
portгo fecha e fica no meio
Antes de Tudo aki esta o serve log:
e aki o serve.cfg:
como podem ver estou com o novo plugin e estou com a nova include streamer.dll do serve windowns ajuda aew por favor
Antes de Tudo aki esta o serve log:
PHP код:
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, (C)2005-2011 SA-MP Team
[19:03:46] Server Plugins
[19:03:46] --------------
[19:03:46] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded ***
[19:03:46] Loaded.
[19:03:46] Loaded 1 plugins.
[19:03:46] Filterscripts
[19:03:46] ---------------
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'gCamera.amx'...
[19:03:46] ====================================
[19:03:46] | gCamera V1.0 |
[19:03:46] | ©Gamer931215 |
[19:03:46] ====================================
[19:03:46] Initializing...
[19:03:46] gCamera foi carregado com sucesso 7 cвmera(s).
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'MapperDP.amx'...
[19:03:46] FS MapDP Byy Gustavo_SB
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'Capacete.amx'...
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'balloon.amx'...
[19:03:46] Unable to load filterscript 'balloon.amx'.
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'Casamento.amx'...
[19:03:46] Sistema de Casamento - By: SuB_ZeRo0_
[19:03:46] v0.1 - BETA
[19:03:46] --------------------------------------
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'HeadShot.amx'...
[19:03:46] Boom Headshot System by Leonardo_StreeT loaded!
[19:03:46] Copyright Leonardo_StreeT 2010
[19:03:46] ---------------------------
[19:03:46] __________________________________________________________________
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'AMN.amx'...
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'arvorenatal.amx'...
[19:03:46] Xmas Trees By Killa[DGZ]
[19:03:46] --------------------------------------
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'ilhaadmin.amx'...
[19:03:46] Loading filterscript 'chatbot.amx'...
[19:03:46] Chat Bot 0.2 Beta by DragSta
[19:03:46] -----------------------------
[19:03:46] __ Bot Configuration __
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] Bot Name: Ladir
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] Bot Age: 14
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] Responces to empty questions:
[19:03:46] Vocк й Gay??
[19:03:46] Tudo Bem??
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] Bot Sayings:
[19:03:46] Ladir И MARAAAAA!!!!?
[19:03:46] ola, Vamos ao matagal??
[19:03:46] Minha TESTOSTERONA ta a 1000!!!
[19:03:46] Quem nгo tem cгo, caзa com gato.
[19:03:46] Fale, Amor!
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] Bot Answers:
[19:03:46] Sim
[19:03:46] Nгo
[19:03:46] Talvez
[19:03:46] Quem Vocк Pensa que Sou?Jesus?
[19:03:46] Peзa novamente mais tarde, estou Ocupado!
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] 'Talking about me' responses:
[19:03:46] Ladir И MARAAAAA!!!!
[19:03:46] ola, Vamos ao matagal??
[19:03:46] Minha TESTOSTERONA ta a 1000!!!
[19:03:46] vocк й MARAAA!!!
[19:03:46] Servidor BRASIL й MARAA!
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] Random Speech: Enabled
[19:03:46] Random Speech:
[19:03:46] Servidor BRASIL И MARAA!!!
[19:03:46] Para quem nгo em conhece Sou o Ladir personagem de ''Toma la, da ca!''
[19:03:46] Ufa! Essa televisгo... Nunca tem nada interessante para ver e eu acabei com as pilhas do controle remoto de tanto mudar de canal...
[19:03:46] Quem ri por ъltimo, ri melhor.... Eu acho...
[19:03:46] Vocк tem uma chave de fenda para me emprestar? Estou com um parafuso solto.
[19:03:46] Perdi um parafuso em algum lugar. Por acaso vocк viu?
[19:03:46] ----------------------------
[19:03:46] Loaded 10 filterscripts.
[19:03:46] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RegisterInterface" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[19:03:46] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_AddPlayer" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[19:03:46] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RemovePlayer" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[19:03:46] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyPickup" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[19:03:46] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[19:03:46] Server Ligado: [28/12/2011 19:03:46]
[19:03:46] ---------------------------------------------------------
[19:03:46] -----------------------------
[19:03:46] *** GM - BCP RPG Iniciado ***
[19:03:46] -----------------------------
[19:03:46] [BCP]: 22 Orgs Carregadas
[19:03:46] [BCP]: 241 Casas Carregadas
[19:03:46] [BCP]: 7 Empresas Carregadas
[19:03:46] [BCP]: 24 Empresas Especiais Carregadas
[19:03:46] [BCP]: 130 Carros Carregados
[19:03:46] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
[19:03:46] [BCP] Informaзхes das organizaзхes foram carregadas.
[19:03:46] - =Brasil City Player - Novo Serve ip Ja Ja estara fixo ! = -
[19:03:46] _____________________
[19:03:46] BCP - RPG
[19:03:46] Number of vehicle models: 81
PHP код:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 59264112
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname Brasil City Player RPG
gamemode0 BPS
filterscripts ls_elevator gCamera MapperDP Capacete balloon Casamento HeadShot AMN arvorenatal ilhaadmin chatbot
announce 0
query 1
weburl http://bcp-rpg.forumeiro.com/
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
plugins streamer