28.12.2011, 19:01
This time I will post the whole gamemode (house system only) because I seriously don't know why something is bugging. /house returns unknown command because IsNearHouseOutside returns always -1, except when I am at 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0. The variables "PickupOutsidePosX-Z" do all contain the right value, so I really don't know what is the problem. Labels and pickups also don't create. What the..?
This time I will post the whole gamemode (house system only) because I seriously don't know why something is bugging. /house returns unknown command because IsNearHouseOutside returns always -1, except when I am at 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0. The variables "PickupOutsidePosX-Z" do all contain the right value, so I really don't know what is the problem. Labels and pickups also don't create. What the..?