Wich gaming type do you like the best?

Hello, for a market research for school I would like to ask you some questions about gaming:

1.What do you like better, a super realistic game with very great graphics and e newer type of engine(Such as rage), or a oldschool engine game with a lower then avarge graphics, such as Gta SA.

2.What do you prefer, a game with a long and original story(Such as GtaIV), or a multiplayer game(Such as CoD).

3.IF you like'd MP: what type? TDM? DM? Race? Catch the flag?

4.IF you like a good storyline: What kind? War? Gta type? SR2 type? SciFi?

5.Lets say you could choose between Mortalcombat, but one wich contains ALL the original characters, or CoD MW4 with a original story line and a big extension of the multiplayer functions. Wich one would you choose?

6.What would you prefer: A game engine like the one used in Skyrim, or the one used in Rage(The one used in GtaIV), or the one used in GtaSA.

7.Lets say the new GtaV comes out, what price would be apopriate? $50, $60 or $65?(Please answer seriously!)

8.How should a gameshop look like?(A online gameshop)

9.Give a general review of how you personally like to game.(Optional)
It is pretty important that you answer these questions seriously. I asked these question because I need to do a marked research for a school project of wich the grade counts for 23% of my final grade.

1.New game engines, New things to explore like Garrys mod... Graphics are in second coz it depends on the game... If the game's shit, No one would care for graphics... Take Minecraft for example(I was thinking to provide an example, but SourceCode beat me to it)

2.Long, Original, Touching And realistic story JUST like Gta 4

3.Well, It depends on the amount of players, If they're high, Cap the flag would be excellent

4.I'm bored of Scifi.. I like it original.. For example, Modern Warfare 1's Start was superb... then came the Mw2, Graphics were epic.. but it didn't felt like realistic, or as fun as CoD 4 was.

5.idk the answer of this question, sorry

6.the one Used in Gta4 or Rage

7.As cheap as $50... I aint trolling here nor i did above.

8.cheap? Trustworthy and Simple(not like having the option of buying a pen named GTA4.)

9.Hmm, I'll take GTA 4 for example, It's Story was the BEST. All the three games (TBaGT &TLAD) were interconnected to each other, In FPS, I didn't like the Mw3, It felt like its an expansion of MW2, Which it is.... Strategy.. COMPANY OF HEROES. NO ifs or buts.

I hope i help'd ya... Good luck for your project

1. A super realistic game with very great graphics, such as GTA IV.
2. A game with a long and original story. I'm not buying a game containing only 12 single-player missions, as it would be easy to complete and boring.
3. Preferably TDM. There's teamwork and strategy.
4. GTA type, where you go to a certain destination, take out a few people and get outta there ASAP.
5. CoD MW4.
6. Rage engine.
7. Well, when I bought GTA IV, it was around $60, so I'd say $60.
8. Categories for consoles, and game types. Most contain consoles and plenty of games for the console. For example, if you have only 1 XBOX game and 57 PS3 games in your shop, that's stupid.
9. I'd like to game, by playing single-player first to get to know the basic controls and some skill, then game online, in a TDM-like mode, so I can work with my team, to take the other team out.

Actually, If Indie Games gotta be successful they need to be Creative and unique rather than graphics and other stuff at the top priority , consider Minecraft and lotta other games.

1. An oldschool engine game with a lower then average graphics.

2. A multiplayer game that can be scahipted.

3. All of them.

4. GTA type.

5. Mortal Kombat.

6. The one used in GTA:SA.

7. $60.

8. Like an online gameshop.

9. I like to play games with both single player and multiplayer mods such as GTA:SA or management games such as Fifa Manager 2012. I like to player MP games because I want to learn to script them ( if they can be ).

Thanks for answering you guys! This will be very helpfull!

Tdm I like

Originally Posted by davve95
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Tdm I like
For some reason I don't think you read the topic.
Anyway, that answer does not bring me very far, sorry.

1. Doesn't matter for me

2. MP

3. CP(Capture points) & PL(Payload)

4. /

5. None

6. Source, GoldSrc & Quake Engine

7. 49,99Ђ

8. like Steam.

1.Gameplay over graphics imo, I just take good graphics as a bonus

2.I prefer a good long story line that not to linear so i have chance to wander around smell the flowers slay a dragon like skyrim

3.I prefer more objective based MP

4. Sci-Fi usually more my thing but not aliens and spaceships i mean stuff like Alan Wake Sci-Fy Thriller

5 Im not a fan of either

6.Gta SA engine due to the vast amount of customization and free roam


8. Clear, professional, Simplistic

9.I prefer online gaming MMO's that usually need a lot of time putting into them to reach end game.

Good Luck With Your School Project

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