19.12.2011, 13:49
I tried to post the music-0.3d *******.inc help.
Well I want everyone to play, but it does not really succeed ...
So I put on.
The interesting, if only I can hear in my cart.
If someone else puts in, he did not hear it, I just ...
Exists at all? : O
So are the stuff:
Thank you in advance!
I'm sorry, I'm Hungarian, this is ****** Translate is an error!
Well I want everyone to play, but it does not really succeed ...
for(new i; i<GetMaxPlayers(); i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected( i )) { *******Stream(i, inputtext); } }
The interesting, if only I can hear in my cart.
If someone else puts in, he did not hear it, I just ...
Exists at all? : O
So are the stuff:
public U2BStream(playerid, response_code, data[]) { if(response_code == 200) { new result[33], u2bstr[33]; new streamedurl[128]; new crypted = strfind(data, "\"h\"", true, 0); strmid(result,data,crypted+7,crypted+39,strlen(data)); format(u2bstr,sizeof(u2bstr), "%s", result); format(streamedurl, sizeof(streamedurl), "http://www.*******-mp3.org/get?video_id=%s&h=%s",*******ID, u2bstr); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid,streamedurl); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, "Nincs ilyen url!"); } return 1; } stock *******Stream(playerid, vlink[]) { new videoid[128], *******String[128]; strmid(videoid,vlink,31,44,strlen(vlink)); format(*******String,sizeof(*******String),"www.*******-mp3.org/api/itemInfo/?video_id=%s",videoid); strmid(*******ID, videoid, 0, 12); HTTP(playerid,HTTP_GET,*******String,videoid,"U2BStream"); } }
I'm sorry, I'm Hungarian, this is ****** Translate is an error!