18.12.2011, 09:42
Hello Folks i have something Wrong in my Systeme Tag , i dont know why i cant Destroy the object of tag IG : For exemple i spray a tag in the well And after i do /deltag then it will not delete it i have no idea about that check my commande
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/suptag", true)==0) { new count; new frm[128]; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS; i++) { if(PlayerToPoint(playerid,2,TagInfo[i][tgX],TagInfo[i][tgY],TagInfo[i][tgZ])) { GetPlayerName(playerid, frm, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); if (!strcmp(TagInfo[i][tgSprayer],frm)) for(new stags = 1; stags <= 200; stags++) { DestroyObject(Spray[i]); TagInfo[i][tgX] = 0; TagInfo[i][tgY] = 0; TagInfo[i][tgZ] = 0; DestroyObject(Spray[stags]); Tag = 0; Spray[i] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID; strmid(TagInfo[i][tgSprayer], " ", 0, 1); Tag--; count++; } } } format(frm, sizeof(frm), "* You have Been Removed your Tag from the wall .", count); SendClientMessage(playerid, PURPLE, frm); format(frm, sizeof(frm), " You have deleted %d tags", count); SendClientMessage(playerid, GRAY, frm); ApplyAnimation(playerid,"SPRAYCAN","spraycan_full",4.0,0,0,0,0,0,1); return 1; }