22.11.2011, 17:05
Hello everybody,I have an MAJOR Problem with my GameMode[GF EDIT]
On Login:If i start the server from console,and i connect,it shows me to /login,But..if i Quit game,and connect again to server(Without restarting console)it dosen't shows me to /login,i verified the gPlayerLogged functions,it's OK like in GF,and in GF hasn't this BUG,please help me..
On Login:If i start the server from console,and i connect,it shows me to /login,But..if i Quit game,and connect again to server(Without restarting console)it dosen't shows me to /login,i verified the gPlayerLogged functions,it's OK like in GF,and in GF hasn't this BUG,please help me..