Delete accounts

How i can make if the player didn't play 1 mouth automatically to delete the player account

check with mktime register date and last login date, if the date difference more than a month delete account. : )))

How about you simply deleting it after 1 month? We know when 1 month is over so it's pretty easy

any ideas

More info please, what register sytem do you use?? MySQL, dini, yini? ...


Originally Posted by Sinner
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More info please, what register sytem do you use?? MySQL, dini, yini? ...
These aren't technically register systems. One is a database management system, the other two are modified file systems. They're based (derived) off file functions and allows users to read, write, create, open, close and save data (with additional functions). The way they handle and/or perform tasks (features) which offers simplicity and allow file type manipulation to be easier.

Originally Posted by Sync'
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These aren't technically register systems. One is a database management system, the other two are modified file systems. They're based (derived) off file functions and allows users to read, write, create, open, close and save data (with additional functions). The way they handle and/or perform tasks (features) which offers simplicity and allow file type manipulation to be easier.
I know that ^^ I just didn't think a scripting beginner would.

If you use DINI, calculate when a month is passed (save the date a player last logged in, use that date + 1 month). When the time is up remove the user file.

"1 mouth"?

Using Dini - which is the most outdated file writing system to date - to do this kind of stuff is difficult, almost near impossible to do effectively. You'd have to check ALL playerfiles (which can run into the tens of thousands) individually and check a value. During this process your server will hang, as opening and closing files is terribly slow, especially if you have a lot of them.

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